exotic garden design
Full design service
This is the Full Monty. I come along to your place, have a cup of tea (black, no sugar, thanks) do a full site survey, site inventory and complete a comprehensive client brief. I then go back home and, over the next day or so, draw up scale plans of the site, carry out site analysis. Once I have mapped out what is there, I then try to marry it with your requirements and, from there, evolve the design.
When I have something I feel is approaching the right balance I get back in touch and show you progress to date for thumbs up, thumbs down or anything in between.
Subject to this approval I then polish the design and draw it nicely in ink. You will receive two copies of a hand drawn detailed plan of your new garden layout, one in colour to help bring the design alive, which will show patios, paths, features and themed borders with key plants named – all individually tailored to your requirements. In other words the entire framework from which your new garden can evolve.
You may, of course, want me to draw out detailed planting schemes - see under extras.
Left: design drawing and, below, finished result
So what now? You have paid all that money for a nice drawing (or a few, even) but what are you to do with it ? There are many options. One client had his copy framed and hung it on the wall whilst he is getting the cash together for the work to be carried out. Many clients like to do the work and source the plants themselves. Or do the work but have me supply the plants. Some clients employ a local landscaper if they know one or have had one recommended. For the larger projects, I could prepare the necessary documentation and put the job out to tender. Once a suitable contractor has been found I can draw up a contract of work and supervise the work. I can additionally draw up any required maintenance schedules. For small or interesting projects, I may even do the work myself.
Left: design drawing and, below, finished result
The choice is yours but, however you go ahead, the most important stage in the process is having a good design in the first place.